
eDirex is our home base and includes all of our services in one place. Our message is simple, we direct online business!

“eDirex is a technology driven business exchange transforming the way buyers and sellers connect via the internet marketplace.”

eDirex recognizes the link between successful businesses and strong branding and we aspire to build a brand that emulates similar success for themselves. We understand that branding is not just a logo or how your business is perceived externally. Too few companies realize that successful brands have branding at the heart of the business. So much so that in many ways you could almost substitute the word brand for business. Branding is a way of defining your business to yourself, your team and your external audiences. It could be called the business’ “identity”, but only on the understanding that it embodies the core of what the business is and what its values are… not just what it looks and sounds like. Customers are so savvy today that they can see through most attempts by companies to gloss, spin or charm their way to sales.

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Services Provided

  • Logo Design
  • Responsive Website Design
  • WordPress Development

Project Date

Oct 2015


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Client Testimonials

I was utterly blown away by the variety of services eDirex has to offer. We use them for everything: marketing, design, leads – you name it. I couldn’t be happier with our ongoing relationship from such an outstanding company.

Trey MarkelManaging Partner, Centrex Software

As a small business owner that has purchased thousands of leads over the course of many years, I can easily say that nothing else comes close to the eDirex platform.

Vern StromkinsCEO, Centrex Financial

eDirex CRM is unlike anything else on the market today. Their optimized interface, security, and ever-improving selection of tools continue to mark eDirex as a lasting force in a shifting landscape.

Michelle Lindsey VP Sales, iBank